Xero Accounting Software Training

Xero training course in singapore is a comprehensive course for users to learn the steps required to operate the full scope of Xero Accounting Software.

This course is in high demand post COVID as many companies choose to use cloud accounting software so their employees can access the system outside of office.

Let our experts run through the day to day processes and guide you how how to maximize productivity through xero’s innnovative features. For example, xero allows bank transactions to feed directly into Xero giving businesses an instant up-to-date view of their cash flow without reference to their hardcopy bank statements.

The Xero training course consists mainly of the following modules:

Module 1: Setting up your company database

Creating account codes and chart of accounts

Entering in Account Opening Balances as per latest accounts

Entering in Customer , Supplier and Fixed Asset Opening Balances

Entering Unpresented Cheques brought forward from previous period

Entering Inventory Opening Balances

System default settings for Invoice, PO, Quotation Prefixes

Setting Up Customer Contact List

Setting Up Supplier Contact List

Email address to store xero documents in folder

Module 2: Banking

Setting Up Bank accounts

Receiving money-Direct payment, overpayment and prepayment

Spending Money- Prepayment, Direct payment, overpayment

Assign expenses to a customer- Billable expenses in sales overview

Transferring money between accounts

Tracking petty cash expenses created using bank account type

Reconciling your bank accounts

Enable mark as reconciled for bank accounts

Module 3: Sales

Entering Invoices

Entering Quotations

Entering Repeat Invoices

Online payment invoices

Entering Credit Notes

Copy Contents to New Invoice

Saving As Draft and Approval Function

Sending Statements

Setting Up Invoice Reminders

Receiving payments

Batch deposit for Outstanding Invoices-Customer online payment

Invoicing by Xero to xero network

Setting up PEPPOL E-invoicing in Xero

Module 4: Purchases

Entering supplier Invoice

Receiving bills by xero to xero network

Entering Repeating Bill

Entering Credit Note

Entering Purchase order

Saving As Draft and Approval Function

Copying Purchase Order to a Invoice or Supplier Bill

Paying bills

Export batch file for your bank

Email remittance advice

Schedule payments

Create and record bill from supplier email

Module 5: Inventory/Products & services

Creating items

Making inventory adjustments

Sell, Purchase, Inventory -items

Entering inventory information

Setting item sales and purchase price

 Module 6: Foreign Currencies

Setting up multiple currencies

Exchange rates linked to xe.com

Setting exchange rate for specified period

Tracking realised and unrealised currency gains and losses

Module 7: Transactions & Journals

Finding a transaction using the search function

Changing or deleting a transaction

Manual Journals

Setup 2 step authentication for security purpose

Configuration Of user access levels

Module 8: Fixed Assets

Setting depreciation expense and asset accounts

Entering Fixed asset details and start date

Linking Of Gain/Loss on Disposal Accounts

Additions Of Fixed Assets-Purchases, spend money & expense claims

Disposal Of Fixed assets

Recording and processing Of Depreciation

Rolling back of depreciation

Printing Fixed Asset Reconciliation Report

Printing Of Depreciation schedule

Module 9: End of period procedures

Printing Of Bank reconciliation report

Debtors Ageing Report

Creditors Ageing Report

Balance sheet

Profit and Loss

GST Tax Report

Module 10: Expense claims for staff(Module under optional extras for Xero)

Adding Receipts for business expense claims under employees name

Uploading files for Expense claims

View Expense Claims summary report

Claims awaiting Authorisation

Claims awaiting payment

Our Xero training course will be conducted by a trained accountant and will include post training after sales support.

Kindly contact us to find out more information on details and course schedules.


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