Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for Singaporean businesses

The SME Go digital programme aims to assist businesses to adopt digital technologies, strengthen and build their digital capabilities to thrive in the ever changing digital economy which is transforming how businesses operate. Some examples are how transformation is happening can be demonstrated in the example of majority of how majority of consumers search for products online instead of sourcing at retails stores, and how transport company’s manage and track their vehicles via a fleet management transport system instead of via walkie talkies and manual report log books etc.

SME go digital was announced by the singapore government in budget 2017 and the grant support for pre approved solutions under the SME go digital programme has been streamlined into the Productivity Solutions Grant.

PSG supports sector based solutions for example, food, construction and landscaping industries to name a few. Other than sector based solutions PSG also supports solutions such as accounting and sales management software that fall under the generic IT solution category that cater to qualifying businesses across all industries .

PSG covers funding support of up to 70%, this encourages businesses to invest in technology that maximizes productivity and efficiency.

Companies have to meet the below 3 conditions so they can qualify and apply for solutions under the PSG grant scheme:

  • Registered as a company in ACRA records and has operations in Singapore
  • Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore and not purchased locally and used overseas.
  • Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding (for selected solutions only)


Below are the steps to apply for the PSG grant under the solutions category:

  1. Get a quotation for PSG for ABSS Premier software from the pre-approved vendor(Andre Corporate)
  2. You will need to submit an online application on the Business Grant Portal (BGP). A CorpPass account will be required to transact on the portal.

If you have any queries regarding the PSG grant for ABSS Premier Software, kindly contact us here.

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