What happens during an MYOB Accounting Software Upgrade

What happens during an MYOB Accounting Software Upgrade?

Steps To Be Taken Before You Do An Upgrade

An MYOB Accounting software upgrade is implemented to ensure your company enjoys the benefits of a feature upgrade as mentioned in our previous post. All users currently using the software will have to log off from the software and do a data backup to protect your latest data. This should be carried out before an upgrade takes place. In addition,  all MYOB users are to make sure that the earlier data file that is going to be upgraded is not corrupted, otherwise it will not be possible to upgrade the data file.

It does not matter at which point of the financial year the upgrade is being implemented as this would not affect the upgrade process in any way.

A computer or terminal server with a high processing speed would be recommended in order to upgrade the data files at a much faster speed. Also, do not run any other RAM intensive applications  at the same time so as to not interrupt or slow down the upgrade process.

MYOB Premier Upgrade Assistant

The MYOB Premier Upgrade Assistant is an upgrade tool that will used to upgrade the current MYOB database file of the old version to an updated MYOB database file of the latest version. The use of the upgrade assistant tool will ensure that all transaction data in the old version will be populated to the new version.

This includes all customer, supplier and other contacts including existing transaction information existing in the old datafile. In the event your company encounters difficulties in the midst of upgrading your data file of the earlier version, you may wish to engage our technical support services here.

MYOB Templates Upgrader

The templates upgrader is a tool that will used to upgrade MYOB customised form templates in the earlier software version, for example your company customized invoice, purchase order and delivery order etc. This MYOB templates upgrader faciliates the transfers of the customised forms in the earlier version and upgrades your earlier MYOB form templates. It then transfers the upgraded templates to the forms folder of your latest MYOB version.

Want to know how this MYOB Premier upgrade assistant and templates upgrader works? We will show you how when you sign up for our MYOB Tutorial.


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