Ezycollect Add On For MYOB Accounting Software

Ezycollect Add On For MYOB Accounting Software


Ezycollect is cloud based, secure MYOB Add on Accounts Receivables Management Software that automates the accounts receivables collection process and can be integrated with the latest upgraded MYOB Accounting Software, primarily MYOB Premier v19 and MYOB Accounting V24 which are both windows 10 compliant


  • Reports, Graphs and Tools to analayse the collection process
  • Customization follow up steps on the outstanding customers
  • Request Credit Check and Pre-approved Legal Letter & possiby escalate the long outstanding debtor to a collection agency or lawyer.
  • Send individual customer statements with just one click

Benefits Include:

  1. Saves the company time and resources required by auotmating the accounts receivables collection process with a series of systematic steps which include automated email follow up, fax and phone call etc.
  2. Improves cash flow of company with improved collection efforts
  3. Free for the first 6 Months for MYOB Customers on the latest version

Want to try it Free? Fill up your details in the box for us to contact you so we can get you started as soon as possible!

Posted by admin in MYOB, 0 comments