ABSS Software Data File Repair Services

Your ABSS Data File (.myo extension) contains all the transaction information relating to your business.  When you open up your data file and input data into your abss data file, the data file increases in size and so does the risk of it’s data corruption.

The risk of corruption also increases when you run your ABSS Accounting software application along a shared network that does not run at optimum speed, daily back up is therefore important to protect your valuable data.

The information contained in the data file can relate to the current financial years or an accumulation of many financial years.

We provide a list of important abss software technical support services to assist your company to get up and running as soon as possible so as to minimize your downtime. These services include data file repair,  Data File password recovery, serial number removal for transfer of ownership of abss data file.

More information regarding our data file services can be found below:

Data File Repair

The data File repair service is primarily required when you suspect that your company abss data file is corrupted and you do not have or have not recently done a backup of your valuable data.

Your data file is deemed corrupted when you receive termination code and index errors. In addition you will not be able to carry out data file verification procedures when you access your data file.

We are able to restore your damaged abss data file to its original condition.

This service is available for ABSS Accounting, ABSS Premier and ABSS Premier Plus regardless of software version. This service is also available for all MYOB version products.

Data File Password Recovery

The data file password recovery is required when the password to access the ABSS Data File had been misplaced. This results in the user being unable to log into the abss data file and therefore unable to perform any transactions on the ABSS software.

The only solution is to perform a data file password recovery to reset the existing password so business operations will not be disrupted.

In instances when the other user log in IDs had been misplaced, data file password recovery is not required if the administrator user id is available. The administrator user will be able to login to the system and remove or reset the password for the other users at any point of time.

Serial Number Removal

Serial number removal service allows your company to transfer your ABSS data file serial number licence from an existing company(possibly an outsourced accountant) to another company. This service is exceptionally important when a new abss user had previously appointed an outsourced accountant that is managing their book-keeping using abss software.

We are able to carry out the serial number removal process and provide advise on the relevant documentation to execute the transfer.

MYOB Data File termination and Error Codes(Now known as ABSS Data file termination and error codes)

An ABSS user may experience data file termination and error codes at certain points of time when accessing their ABSS company profile.

These error codes could be due incorrect data importing procedures, file format incompatibility and data corruption or anti virus software incompatibility are a few examples. A common example would be the error code unable to perform online confirmation in ABSS.

Depending on your error code, we will provide the appropriate solution to get your system up and running as soon as possible.

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