Commonly asked questions regarding ABSS Accounting Software

1. What are some of the key main features in ABSS software.

There are 3 types of software available namely, ABSS Accounting, ABSS Premier and ABSS Premier Plus. More details can be found at the ABSS Accounting software product webpage.

2. What are some of the key main features in ABSS software.

Pay Bills and Analyse Creditors

Manage creditors by tracking outstanding bills with ageing reports and supplier ledger reports. Analyze Creditors with Financial Year Comparisons and monthly supplier spreadsheet which shows the monthly purchases for each supplier each month in a monthly spreadsheet format.

Bank Integrations

Integrate with DBS bank using bank feeds which relate to ABSS software retrieving transactions from your bank online into the ABSS software.

Accept Invoice payment & send and receive E- Invoices

Manage your customer sales revenue and sales with the sales history and analyze sales spreadsheet report. Track outstanding and accept invoice payment with the receive payments feature that will apply payments received to outstanding invoices. E-Invoicing by ABSS connect allows your software to send digital E-Invoices via the PEPPOL network to your customers and receive the invoices from your suppliers.

GST returns

File your GST F5 returns accurately with the GST return detail report in ABSS which is the identical IRAS GST filing compliant format. GST Tax codes are allocated to a supplier, customer or to a transaction so they populate accurately to the GST return detail report.

Inventory Management

Manage your inventory with multiple locations, inventory stock count , inventory adjustment and analyze inventory information with details such as on hand, on order, committed and available quantities.

3. How secure is ABSS software since it is a hybrid software which uses remote tools to allow online access?

ABSS software is an off the shelf software therefore your data and information is secure on your computer as the data is not hosted online. Remote tool add on applications are available under the ABSS Premier remote access package to allow multiple users to access the software remotely.

4. What type of business is ABSS accounting software suitable for?

ABSS software is suitable for all kinds of small and medium businesses. However, some users may require more complexed functionalities for certain modules such as Inventory and CRM and Reporting.