Benefits of Using Cloud or Remote Access Accounting software during Covid19

Able to Synchronize accounting information

During covid 19 period, work from home as a default had been implemented on various occasions. On these occasions, some colleagues were in office and some non essential employees were working from home. The importance of being able to synchronize accounting information amongst employees is crucial during this period and cloud or remote access accounting software such as ABSS accounting software manages this aspect well. If the software is unable to synchronize accounting information to one main database when one is working from home and another is working from office, this will result in inefficiency as both parties got to be in office for accounting records to be updated. This would not be possible during certain periods of COVID19.

Flexibility in employment of accounting staff

When the economy is not performing well, some companies will choose to outsource their accounting function instead of managing this function in house. This is because due to lower transaction volumes, it may not justify employing a full time account staff. Using cloud or remote access accounting software, your company can choose to outsource the accounting function to an external firm or freelancer. Cloud or remote access accounting software allows an outsourced accountant to perform her job from her firm or a freelancer from her own home, this allows the company flexibility in their employment or outsource of the accounting function.

Allow Users to respond to COVID 19 Work from Home Protocols

Work from Home orders and instructions are normally announced at short notice, this causes disruption to the company operations as employees readjust to the changes in workflows. Usage of Cloud or remote access accounting software allows employees to simply ” pack and go back home to work” . This is because employees are able to readjust to changes in workflows more easily when they are able to access their work from home. They avoid inconveniences such as bringing home an office computer with their software only installed on that particular machine or bringing home files as most cloud and remote access accounting software allows softcopy work documents to be upload to the cloud and to be accessed from home.